One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back.
This is a detoxifying and uplifting massage that works on the lymphatic system, thus helping to eliminate toxins from the body. This therapeutic treatment commences with a dry body brushing designed to awaken a lethargic system.
This balancing massage is based on soothing strokes. The body will be cooled and calmed with the use of refreshing essential and cool stones on both the face and body
This massage helps rid excess lactic acid and regenerate tired and tight muscles, paying particular attention to the legs and the back. Visit Wahah Beauty SPA today in Kenya and enjoy this service.
This natural therapy provides deep relaxation.. The warm stones ease sore muscles, release still
joints and relieve muscle tension. This massage allows the deeper tissues to be manipulated more
Focusing on reflex zones of the feet that correlate to areas of the body. This massage is peect
after a day of intense sporting activities. hiking or travel
Extract dirt and toxins in addition to clearing, toning, firming, and brightening the skin. Improve
the skin elasticity and vitality by boosting the production of collagen
A body scrub that leaves the skin soft, radiant,
and peumed using organic products
Caffeine breaks the adipose (fat) tissue that form under the skin and stimulates the collagen production.
Removes the top layer of the dead skin, improves the blood circulation, stimulates the production of collagen leaving the skin firm and radiant
It not only helps condition skin but also helps give skin a soft, smooth feel.
Coconut, jojoba seed, safflower and olive oils deliver a power shot of rich fattly
acids to nourish and soothe skin. Squalane (-lane) is a hydrogenated form of
squalene (-lene), which makes it stable in formula
Your skin is completely cleansed and rejuvenated with our professional facials.
This balancing facial will address a variety of skin concerns such as oily, congested
sensitive, and dehydrated skin
Take a moment to indulge in a facial tailored especially for super dehydrated skin.
Enjoy this refreshing experience as your skin is deeply cleansed, hydrated,
exfoliated and nourished
The skin is deeply cleansed, followed by application of an ampoule of highy
concetrated active ingredients, selected for your skin type. This fast yet intensive
treatment produces immediate results you can see and feel.
After owning two successful salon locations they decided to move their passion to the small town of Gainesville
Stimulates the movement of
energy by applying pressure
Wraps are intended to tone and tighten skin while helping.
The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked. "What's happened to me.
A collection of textile samples lay spread out on the table - Samsa was a travelling salesman - and above it there hung a picture that he had recently cut out .